Text to portrait is a script that allows users to input what image they want...
Chess Competition
Chess-Competition uses a simplified method to create a chess game experience between a UR5 robot...

Project Gemini - Collaborative Building
Twin arms, Pollux and Castor, collaborate to build cube structures.

Robotic Arm Solves Sudoku
We programmed a robotic arm to solve a 4x4 Sudoku puzzle by itself (ROS in...

Robotic Arm Plays the Card Game Set
In this project, we programmed a robotic arm to identify and pick up 3 cards...

Stereoscopic Vision
Teach Edwin to recognize and remember objects.

Gesture Characterization
Enable Edwin to interact with a user by identifying the user's movement and classifying it....

Push Cup Game
Edwin and the player take turns pushing the cup, the player pushing the cup off...

Edwin can play Tic Tac Toe against another human being.

Math Problem Solving
Edwin's Math Problem Solving code gives Edwin the capability to read a math problem, solve...